Saturday, November 7, 2015

New Chapter- Montessori in Hong Kong: What led me here

After the intensive year of training in Italy, a few major things happened. Life threw many surprises at me... at the time, it was hard to make sense of, but now (2 years after!), I am grateful for the way things happen and when. Because it led to what I am experiencing now.

Towards the end of my training, my next destination was going to be Bangkok, Thailand, to set up an Elementary Montessori program. However, fate/circumstances told me otherwise, just 1 week before I was leaving.



My reaction to all that was just blank... my mind was so focused on passing the exam and to get my certification- all my energy was put to that that I felt like I had nothing left in me once it was over... even to react. I realized for the first time then and there, that I needed a break. As much as I loved my overseas experiences after graduating university (Peace Boat, Guatemala and Italy), my mind and body felt a desperate need to be stationary at one place, to reconnect with my home base (in terms of both place and people), and to digest, reflect and reconnect within myself. I decided to go back to Japan... to see what I really wanted, see where I really wanted to be, what I really wanted for myself in the future.

The months that followed were one of the hardest I have experienced in my life. But necessary. I had to stop, slow down- after years of absorbing languages, educational philosophies, different countries and cultures, it was as if my body and mind was desperate to look inwards. I needed to digest, organize, reflect within, all those experiences, and figure out what what next.
I faced a dilemma of wanting to stay in a place I love, Japan, versus, wanting to pursue what I love to do, Montessori. The two could not merge at the time... and after a few months, in my heart Montessori won over. I decided to go to Hong Kong to pursue being a Montessori teacher.



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