Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yakushima, Day 2: Magical, spriritual, Jomon ceder 屋久島2日目:神秘的な縄文杉

We got up to take a bus a 4 am, to start our hike to see the Yakushima Jomon ceder. It was tough to wake up, and cold too. But after one riceball as breakfast, we felt energized to take on the challenge! 
I was however really really worried- at the hostel and other places, there were informative posters on how prepared you had to be to do the hike (have hiking shoes and other gear) but we had come with nothing... so we tackled the hike with sneakers, raincoats (that didn't really protect us from rain...) and lots, and LOTS of positivity and encouragement!


The first 4 hours we walked along and on a tram road.  The path was uneven and hard to walk on, but flat all the way. As we got in deeper and deeper into the forest we saw beautiful nature- much like the setting that comes up on Studio Ghibli's Princess Mononoke. Yakushima in fact is where the setting of the movie is based on, and we could relate many places that we saw in this hike being similar to some scenes from the movie that we loved watching as children. 
I am reminded yet again that all art and human creations always so much inspired by nature... it is part of us, and so removed from it in the present day, many people fail to notice or acknowledge it anymore.


These incredible sights made us loose track of time or how much we had or hadn't walked. We often found ourselves looking down, concentrating on not falling over, but we would often get distracted or rather drawn into what we had around us- tall trees and intricately woven roots that had lived hundreds and hundreds of years, letting us pass by, letting us enjoy their presence.  We took the time to enjoy what drew our attention. 


We arrived at The Wilson stump, which has an estimate age of over 3000 years. It was cut by the order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi to build Osaka Castle and Hokoji in 1586. The circumference is over 30m and the hollow inside we could go into. 
And as we sat down in a corner and looked up, we saw a heart... :-)


After the Wilson Stump, the path got tougher- from steep stairs to no stairs at all, just trying to get forward through nature's path. But it was also where it got even more beautiful. We entered the World Heritage Area and saw many old, thick, beautiful cedar trees.


We took a lunch break- delicious obento box packed by an obento store near our hostel- gave us the necessary energy to keep going. The trees got bigger, older, greener... and finally


.....what was awaiting us was the Jomon ceder. It is the oldest and biggest type of ceder on the island, with its 2000+ years: estimates range from 2170 to 7200 years old. We were both blown away with what we saw, standing in awe in front of the majestic, spiritual tree. It didn't feel like a tree, it was just a very special presence and energy that amazed us both and it felt like time stopped. The hike was tough but the mind was too busy trying to comprehend the existence of the tree- standing there throughout all these years, continuing to stand there years to come. It had a serene energy, indescribable in any words. I started to imagine what it must have felt like to discover the tree.... or rather from the tree's perspective, how many creatures had it encountered?

It was all too "big" to wrap my head around- too much. What I could understand now was why so many people talked about this tree and why so many people goes that far, tough hike in order to see it even just for a glimpse. 

…私たちを待っていたのが縄文杉。屋久島の中で一番大きく古い杉で、樹齢は2000+年;推測は2170年から7200年。目に入ってきた景色に私たちは圧倒され、ただただその神秘的な木の前を立ち尽くしていた。木みたいに感じなかった:不思議と ただただ特別な「存在」とエネルギー。時間が止まったかのようだった。道のりは辛かったけど、頭の中はそんなことは忘れ、ただこの木を理解しようと忙しかった:何千年もたっていて、これからも立ち続ける。高貴な穏やかなエネルギーは言葉で説明できない。この木を発見したときはどんなんだったんだろう…いや逆に、木の方からしたら、今までどんなに多くの生き物と出会っているんだろう?

すべて、「大きすぎて」 考えもストップ。でも、ひとつ理解できたことは、なんでこんな多くの人が縄文杉を語っていること、訪れていること。

We were completely energized from the moment with the cedar tree and headed back. Unfortunately the walk back was much much tougher than the walk there. It started to rain heavily, and with our non-functioning raincoats, we were both soaked, cold, and miserable. The path felt an eternity when one's shoes were soaked and heavy, your coat and hair sticking to your skin, and your legs slowly aching and feeling like they're going to become rubber. 
I felt like a little child as I asked my sister "Are we there yet? It must be soon, please?" and she would encourage me, give me hugs to keep my motivations up.
When we finally got back to the busstop, we were exhausted. I shivered from the cold and could not wait to be back at the hostel, to change our clothes, get a nice bath and warm food in my body.


But still, feeling this weak and miserable we kept saying to each other. 
"I'm so glad we did it. It was SO worth it. I'd do it again."

「 一緒にやって本当によかった。行って本当によかった。

Nature's incredible energy.

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